Monday, November 20, 2006

The department is getting busy with the organisation of the one day programme. We also attended the inaugural function of a two-day programme conducted by the Department of EEE. It was on Virtual Implementation of Labview or some such technical jugglery with words. There was a nice piece of cake that followed the function. Relished that... Hope to get the new telephone for the department. Reorganised Mr.Subramani's songs on the comp. A few teachers have asked for BEC courses for them. Hope to train them sometime in the near future.

Monday, November 06, 2006

GCE, Salem and Chitra

Hey, the department of English has got a new professor, Dr.Anbalagan from Karaikudi. The language lab will see some progress under his guidance. He is full of ideas to help the first years.

The Computer Science student volunteers for the HCL placement were in the deprtment for a small chat. Srinivasan , I believe, asked one of the HCL people how they could answer this question:
Say only yes/no. Question: ----, I am a fool. ---, I am an ignorant ass.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Everything's going by in a blur these days, with the TEQIP related paper work taking up a lot of time. There are class committee meetings, mentor's meetings, class advisor meetings and all the rest of it that leaves us no free time to read or write. Met a wonderful Professor, one Dr. Nagabhushan Roa, a man of fantastic knowledge which included not just technical stuff, you know, but pages and pages of literature that he quoted with flair. A teacher of the past who reminds those of the present that one is never filled enough with knowledge.
Siddarth, a final year student ( who, I swear, must be Gillespie's clone) told me about his efforts to go to the U.S for his higher studies. Told him that there were two students who were in U.S and who were maintaining a website and that if contacted they might be able to guide and help him. But, that website which I so enjoyed is no longer to be seen on the net and so I couldn't get him their website address. Shall persevere however.
The parents of first year students who have failed in more than two subjects in the first series test were informed of their child's poor performance. I know it will come as a shock to them, but our Principal is keen that parents be kept informed of their ward's performance. It might help the students too. I did ask a student who had dropped in and he informed me that having been a vocational student it had been difficult but that the next time, his performance would be better. The poor fellow had tears in his eyes and since I normally hate to see children cry,I consoled him and offered help anytime he wanted. But these guys like to work on their own and I am sure that this boy will surely do well the next time in his tests.