Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Department of English is sad to say that Mr.Subramani, Lecturer in English has got a transfer to Vellore. A committed teacher, caring warden and a supportive colleague - he is Vellore's gain and Salem's loss.

I attended the first day of a Faculty Development Programme on 'Nanotechnology-An Introduction'. The presentation by Dr.Arivuoli of Anna University was very interesting. The talk covered nano characterisation, nano effects in Nature and Technology (Lotus-Leaf Effect, Sandfish Effect, Beetle Effect, Gecko Effect), Nano crystals etc.and was so interesting that I was glad I had registered for the programme, though initially I had had misgivings about being a misfit among the engineering faculty. Isn't it an exciting new field? but, as Crichton points out in his latest book, it could turn out to be an unwitting companion in crime to greedy individuals because of the undependable nature of nano materials. That frightens me a bit, but then , so did the telephone, lights, turbines etc in the beginning. Seems to have been a week of science fiction and facts, as I have just finished an old Crichton novel, "Timeline", a novel based on quantum theory and teleportation.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

I feel euphoric, merely because the final year mechanical students took the tests for communication skills lab in full strength. Bringing these big boys to the class is like managing a herd of zebras loping away from predators. And, when they come together, it is next to impossible to scold them. They have such 'paavam' faces. I know it is part of the game they play with gullible teachers, but then I always fall a prey to the wiles of students.

Next week, it is going to be powerpoint presentations from ten of them. Prof.M.K.Duraisami has been invited to sit at them. I know for certain that these boys who manage to make heart attacks happen in the class because of their relaxed and easygoing ways will defintely make a good show of it and make all who complain of them look like idiots. :))

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Something strange is really going on with the Salem weather...we have rains pouring from clear skies-just-a-moment-ago. The little wood between the admin block and the ECE block could be seen overflowing with little rivulets.
The principal addressed the first years at the inauguration of the Science and English Literary Associations. How jumpy can a programme get? The PA system was not in place till 3.00 p.m (that was when the programme was slated to begin). The bright-faced and sweet-voiced MC from the first year changed the order of the agenda (a slight oversight due to shuffling of her papers). (She did a very fine job and more than compensated for her lapse with her clear diction and correct intonation). The podium mike began screeching and went mad with static and hisses. The ELA secretary, Shankar Ganesh, went weak due to his recent jaundice attack and had to stop his speech due to spasms. All in a day's work, said I to myself.
I learn a lot about people from these exercises at college. I get to know of irresponsible senior students who do not care for old values, I get to know some fantastic children who take up their responsibilties with zeal, I get to know the immense potential that the first years possess and I get to know that at the end of a programme, there is an immeasurable sense of relief and freedom sensed by those in charge of such programmes.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Another milestone in the history of GCE. The first batch of MBA and ME(Computer Science and Engineering) had the inaugural function of their programmes in our college. Dr.A.Ebenezer Jeyakumar, Principal presented the inaugural address. He warmly welcomed them and as co-ordinator of the programme spoke to them of the need to be different and to be good role models for the juniors. He categorically stated that he would not compromise on the quality of the input and output in the classes - both at the student and faculty level. It was good to listen to his booming voice and one could see happy smiles all around from the students when he told them about the placement records of the college. The ME students had a class following the inaugural session. Heavy rains followed the inauguration and the sweet, karam and coffee served at the ECE seminar hall. The kids were there to help us out with the preparations. What would we do without the children's help at all times, I wonder.
The department of ECE also organised a three-day long Community Development programme on Mobile servicing and PC Assembling for unemployed youth. TEQIP and GCE are doing worthwhile service to the society, I feel.
Exams are drawing nearer and I feel all jittery and shaky about the exams which seem to have just descended on us all too quickly. But, on second thoughts, it's what every teacher and student feels as the semester draws to a close.