Monday, August 29, 2011

Did I mention how the alumni had their annual get together recently.
They seemed to have had a blast at the get together. Jinu and Arpitha, two volunteers were full of wonder about how really senior alumni became child like and pranced, danced, screamed and hit one another with the enthusiasm of teenagers. Around 150 students had turned up with their families, spent a day at Yercuad and then spent a day at their alma mater's, taking their children to the classes they had attended (and not attended? :) ) 
It's indeed a special moment when all those memories come flooding back and one feels young at heart, once more. GCE is always yours, dear alumni. 

GCE Salem has been selected by AICTE to be a QIP centre, enabling 6 research scholars to register with Civil, Mechanical and EEE departments.

The application for this was made in a matter of two days by the Principal and it feels good to know that we have been considered good enough to be a QIP centre. 

Another step forward in encouraging and improving the climate of research in the institution.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Aktis has recruited 6 of our students. that fantastic news or what! 

Last year, it was 4. I'm very happy for the 6 kids selected. They must be crazily happy. Well, they've kickstarted the drives and we shall now look forward to the other companies with confidence and good preparation. 

What's more is that, the HRs remarked that the communication skills of the students has improved by leaps and bounds. If that doesn't make me happy, what else can?

I believe that all the efforts,  taken by the students, the Principal and the Placement Cell, to prepare for what I call the 'Season of Success and Happiness',  are worth the trouble and pain. 

Congrats to Uday and his team of Mechlions. They must, at this moment, remember that Dr.Jayadev had helped them streamline the process and given them all that they wanted. I hope the boys and girls live up to the faith, prepare well for all companies and prove the mettle and calibre of the institution. 

Kudos, to the children.  

Friday, August 05, 2011

Things are happening at whirlwind speed and I'm finding it difficult to keep pace with the developments and happenings. 

First things first - Aktis, visited the campus and we are sure that atleast four students will be selected, if not more. 

This time, campus recruitment is all centralised in the Digital Library. Six partitioned panel rooms for group discussions and interviews, the conference hall for pre-placement talks, the computer centre available for online tests - Uday, the student co-ordinator's unstinted efforts to offer the best facilities to companies has borne fruit. The guest house furnishings too have been given a makeover and Uday tells me that everything's sparkling clean, thanks to the hard work of the students. The Principal, Dr.P.K.Jayadev has offered students all help to improve facilities so that no HR has cause for complaint and his appreciative encouragement of student co-ordinators to make sure that we are in no way inferior to private colleges in infrastructural facilities for placement must be lauded. This will have a long term impact on enhancing the brand image of the college. 

Now, on to the last two weeks. 

Dr.RSD Wahida Banu organised a meet with an advocate, Ms.Sumathy, to talk to the women working in the institution. The advocate was a good speaker, who impressed all with her direct and frank talk. She also addressed the students. The effort to empower women with the feeling that law is always helpful and benevolent to women was much appreciated. 

Freshers came to classes on Wednesday. They were happy to get acquainted with the instituion and the buildings. Orientation programmes were organised to familiarise them with the facilities and the curriculum by the department heads. 
Senior students addressed them on the best ways to become the best student - the tips and strategies to enhance their learning - what technical skills would be expected of them at the end of the final year, the importance of autonomy in their academic work, the need for acquiring confidence and communication skills. 

The first year students have had the best reception they could ever have hoped for, I feel. Their admission was smooth and fast, the post admission meet with parents short and crisp, the orientation programme , helpful. 

And, now, I'm ready to scream from the rooftops and declare to the whole wide world - Department of English has had its first ever net connection made in the Language Lab. Now, internet resources for language learning can be offered to our students. I can't stop smiling in joy and grinning. I feel like the Cheshire cat in Alice's Tales. Thanks to Dr.Jayadev. God bless him.

Revive 11.0, the intra-departmental symposium in the Computer Science Department got off to a rousing start. I was impressed by the solemnity with which the final year students organised the show. The intention is to encourage students of second and third year to explore their technical skills and to hone their research skills with paper presentations. Prof. A.M.Kalpana addressed them and exhorted them to surpass the records set by the previous year students in academic and placement rankings. I've always enjoyed a rapport with the Computer Science students and as always, I don't doubt their ability to excel at whatever they do. 

Wow...that was quite a lot of things to put down in a small blog page.


Monday, August 01, 2011

What makes the first day at college so remarkable? I think it's the feeling of pride that a parent experiences, the thrill of anticipation that the fresher goes through, the pre- admission fever that grips all in the campus and culminates so satisfyingly on the first day - these are the most memorable things happening on the first day at college. 
Emotions run high...parents are anxious to rush through the admission at one go, no one wants to wait and it's almost as if parents are ready to throw the gauntlet down and retreat. This year however, the admission was at its smoothest. Daring to break traditions, the Principal asked the departments to take over the certificate verification, the fees to be paid in the office and the hostel admission fees to be made in the D1 hall. Outside the principal's chamber, a line of chair against the wall, made the wait a lot more comfortable than having to lean against walls in serpentine queues. 
The evening meet was well attended, since the admissions were over by 4.30 p.m and the meeting lasted just an hour and a half. Speeches by the HODs were possessed of the spirit of brevity and that made listening to talks a pleasure. 
What  I love most about the day, is that it's not just a day for the's one for the whole family. There were beaming grandparents, proud parents and well wishers, grim faced parents worried about the fees, scholarships that can take their burden off their shoulders, happy youngsters enjoying the sights, sounds and experiences on their first day out... belief and trust in the system of government colleges that aids and encourages literacy and education for even those from the lowest rungs of society, if only they have the will to achieve, is strengthened as in every year.