Friday, September 23, 2011

Saw two beautiful gently U shaped tables in the corridor and found that they were the GD tables for placement. They have been crafted from steel frames from condemned tables and benches and topped with compressed sheets by artisans from the Mechanical Department at the instance of their HOD, who also happens to be the Principal. 

Student co-ordinators were deliriously happy with the help they were getting. They are so happy that the facilities being offered to HRs do not just include shabby tables covered with some sheets, classrooms converted to panel rooms and running around for systems and rooms. Almost everything is being utilised at the Digital Library, where the interview panel rooms, conference hall and GD tables are set. This kind of centralised arrangement makes a student co-ordinator's life less miserable.

The navy blue blazers have also given our students a makeover; they look so smart, but better than all the enhanced physical appearance, what I find is that the blazers make everyone 'first among equals'. There is no difference between the students, there is a kind of equality imparted to them that gives them an edge when appearing before a panel. I love what the blazers have done to their self esteem. Once again, the initiative taken by the Principal, at the request of the student co-ordinators headed by Uday, speaks of a student-centric approach adopted by the head of the institution. 

Recruitment fever is catching up with the senior classes and one hopes to see more smiles than ever this time. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

TCS has taken in 108 out of the 165 shortlisted. 

What an exciting time this has been, since I got to see the whole process from the ring-side seat. 

I saw with pride the manner in which students rallied to create the resources needed - the online preparation in the Digital Library, the creation of five panel rooms there, the arrangement for 15 panel rooms in the ECE department, the waiting halls, the PCs and printer connected to the Net, the catering arrangements, the hundreds of calls between the Student Co-ordinators as the Guest House and the Auditorium were prepared and the sustained energy of the students as through a long day on their feet, they happily served  every need of the HRs.

There are some things which linger on in my mind - the jet speed at which the Principal  took decisions to fulfill every demand of the student co-ordinators, right from the blazers which they wanted to the printer to the  stationery and catering items to the whitewashing and decoration of the auditorium. Everything they asked for, short of the moon, was granted. Students glowed with happiness and gratitude for this Principal, who I believe has become a Super Hero to the final year student co-ordinators. 

I had immense fun co-ordinating the organisation for the day with the students, especially choosing the menu for the snacks. We literally smothered the overworked, tired and hardworking HRs with deligtful eats. 

The volunteers were of commendable quality. The third year student volunteers in their blue blazers worked like ants through the day, standing sentinel at Panel rooms, serving and waiting on the candidates. About twenty students stood their ground through the whole day. There were others who worked unseen, ensuring the smoothness of the arrangements.  Arpitha, Ansen, Shankar  and Barani were exceptional in their service. These are children who are going to be assets to the organisations as managers. Student co-ordinators won my heart over with their team work and cheerful crusade for the entire student body. Uday, Prakash, Mani and Prashanth spent sleepless nights and co-ordinated the whole show with the spirit of leadership that one finds in older and wiser people. I learnt my lessons in patience and ambassadorship from them. 

GCEians are truly made of the stuff that leaders are made of.

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Following an invitation from my artist friend, Prashanth from the GCE Newsletter team, I attended the inaugural function of the Painters and Photographers Club of GCE. 

The palette template looked beautiful and I was quite surprised to see a good crowd of student artists - girls and boys , there. It was a crowd of people who were regulars and who attended meetings unfailingly.
The Principal presented a talk that showed the evolving relationship between painting, photography and technology, by drawing examples from the tinsel world, the famous artists of the yesteryears and the use of technology to immortalise their work for the world. Professor Rajkumar pointed out that the thirst for creativity should never be stifled, but be nurtured. It was the song of the soul, he said. I pointed out how artists see things differently and how for engineers, the outbursts of creativity give colour to life. I invited them to contribute to the GCE newsletter. 

Then followed an excellent exercise to initiate the activities of the club. A situation was given and the gathering was asked to draw pictures of it. That was a stimulating experience. It's not a surprise that art stimulates and makes one feel more alive than ever before. 

Monday, September 05, 2011

What a Teachers' Day celebration it was, at the Department of English. 

In the afternoon, there was a slow trickle of the newsletter team into the department for a chat and the late afternoon flew away in happy chatter and plans for the future of the newsletter and the students. Uday, Prashant and Gopi shared their future plans. Prashant wants an easy life, full of fun and joy - he opts for a teaching career with an MS and  a doctrate from a foreign university. Uday is game for all opportunities, and is preparing for GRE, the Defence and the core companies. Gopi is 100% sure that it's going to be GATE and an IIT P.G. course. 

We were getting ready to leave when Navneeth who had been grinning like a Cheshire cat walked in and invited us - Ms.Majidha, Mr. Prasath and me outside. There sat a big fat cake with the most beautiful, glistening creamy cover,  ready for the cutting. Candles were lit and glowed gently. The wish for the prosperity and success of the students was made and the cake cut with much noise and fanfare. Eating the cake was only a part of it, as the rest of the cake was smeared on faces. Poor Lucky who tried to escape it all by running away from the scene ended with torn slippers and broken glasses.

The love and affection that one receives on these days is a gentle reminder to us that the teacher's bond with students just does not end in the class. It goes beyond text books, assignments and tests. It is that acceptance of one another and respect for one another that makes it easy for us to reach out in joy and affection. My heart goes to these children who with their gesture show us that teachers become more than teachers - they become an extended family.

God bless us all.