Friday, November 25, 2011

Life's really been one continuous whirl of activities at GCE, what with the NBA and the UGC Panels' visits, question papers, Commissioner's visit, meetings, time tables, feedback forms, newsletter printing, calls to HRs and my litany could go on. 

It was a refreshing experience to interact with academics from all over the country who were on the two panels. Coming one on top of another, we were left in a tizzy, but I particularly enjoyed observing sharp and alert minds at close quarters. They observed everything minutely, questioned, probed, suggested, recommended and cautioned, till one was left wondering during the visit if it had been worth all that trouble. Yet, at the end of the day, their exit meetings were quite positive, appreciative of the hard work, vision and passion of the faculty, their simplicity and humility, the motivational levels of the students and the extra work shouldered so responsibly by the faculty, inspite of the shortage of faculty members. I was quite surprised when they even wanted to read our publications. 

Mention must be made of the alumni , Mr.Pandian, AGM/Marketing, SAIL and Mr.Karthikeyan/ SAIL, who rallied to the support of their alma mater and like true blue blooded cheerleaders, lent full throated support. Thanks boys. 

I enjoyed every minute of the preparations, because it brought home to me then as always, the precious worth of our students. Uday, Prashanth, Jinu and Kalpana lent whole hearted help through the days of preparation for the fact, they became the panels' favourite students. 

If this wasn't enough of a fizzy trip for me, the HRs of the different companies who were at college were highly appreciative of the Digital Library facilities which housed the interview panels. 

They all, at different times, from different companies said the same thing : 'Excellent facilities. Did not expect this in a Government college. Students are very good, very highly motivated, confident, very disciplined ( much more than students of two highly talked about institutions). Organisation of the drives - perfect, down to the last minute. Hospitality, fantastic. Student co-ordinators - excellent. (And best of all, for me personally) Very good communication skills. Great improvement. (Was I glad to hear this and when it comes from not just one company, but four in a row, what do I say? That I'm on an academic high?)I only wish some of our alumni who are CEOs of companies would come forward to take in more of our students. 

I seem to be spending all my time helping Prashanth make calls to HRs. For me, it's a revelation how these kids maintian their cool and talk to HRs who attend the calls. The hard, hard work that goes into inviting companies is something that one tolerates for the sake of those who desire on-campus placement. That many homes are lit with hope and fresh leases of lives when their child is placed in a good company is something for which one can make any sacrifice. I see student co-ordinators refusing to register for companies, because they feel that they would be depriving someone of an opportunity - my heart bleeds for such leaders. God bless them. Being an Assitant Placement co-ordinator is a tough job - wonder how long I can last! 

College, for the first time, is breaking for vacation, with everyone being given the opportunity to enjoy it. The schedule of examinations drawn up by the COE's office ensured this and for this my mom ( waiting for my vacation to get her cataract removed) and I are grateful. The vacation is indeed like manna from the heavens. 

The annual newsletter is getting shape and hopefully will hit the web sometime next week.