Monday, May 28, 2012

Graduation Day 2012 - what were my favourite moments? 
NCC boys focussed on decorating the thali of water with white and pink lotus flowers.
An elderly PG student going up with tears in his eyes to receive the degree.
My UG grads with wide smiles in their eyes and lips.
The co-ordination and sense of responsibility that the different committees showed.
A sick graduand being tended to by his juniors.
The gracious decoration of the halls , supervised by Prof. Christy.
Prof.Chandrasekar at the registration desk trying to get the last minute additions and deletions perfected for the seating and degree distribution committees.
Girls and boys capturing the post graduation ceremony moments with their friends and parents.
A student who was with me through the long hours of guiding the graduands to the dais.
The national anthem that gave me goosebumps.
The procession anthem ringing loud and clear.
Parents who beamed with pride and joy.
The brisk reading of names by Prof.Kalpana.
Prof.Perumal wondering aloud on the mike if there was some confusion in the order of names. 
Prof.Arun's perfect co-ordination in sending the graduands to the front. 
A perfect audio system - hired, of course.
More than all, the feeling of relief the moment the ceremony was over - the heat was indescribable. 
When are we going to get a new, well furbished, cool hall that can comfortably hold the seven hundred odd students gowned up in their robes in a very shortly imminent  two years from now? 

Sunday, May 20, 2012

A post made five days ago has simply vanished off the face of Blogger. A first time experience for me. Hope Blogger resolves it for me. In the meantime, a part of it saved in a word doc is reproduced below. It's not the original one, but am hoping it will suffice. 

JSW O P Jindal Scholarships were presented to eight of our students today...that's one more than last year and six more than the two given away the first year. Thanks JSW, for the munificent gesture. 

What made the moment more memorable was the presence of the parents of the recipients. Simple, humble and proud, they stood alongside their sons and daughters as they received the awards. This was the first time parents were invited to share in the joy of receiving the awards from the top brass of JSW - Shri. Ravichandran, Shri.Jayanth Sathe and Shri.Rajendran. 

Shri. Ravichandran, CEO briefed the recipients and the gathering about the philanthropist O P Jindal and exhorted students to keep updating their knowledge and skills even while giving importance to the values of life.

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

A drive down the highway to college in the heat of the midday sun can be an exercise in extremes for someone getting used to the cool interiors of one's home during the vacation.

We had a preliminary meeting to prepare for the Graduation Day. Prof. PGV conducted the meeting, fed us well and co-ordinated the various committees. 

It's a rather huge task, with so many little things that need to be attended to. What I most liked about the meeting were the various suggestions given to streamline the event, taking cues from the successes and weak spots of last year's events. Everyone is ready to shoulder the responsibilities and go that extra mile to make sure that everything goes off smoothly. 

The Chief Guest is Dr.Valarmathi, Project Director, IRSAT, the scientist of the latest Agni Missile launch. The media and well wishers of the institution are excited and look forward to meeting the chief guest on the occasion. 

Another Chief Guest could be Shri.Jeyakodi, IAS, whose presence will be a motivation for the young graduands. His acceptance of the invitation is eagerly awaited. 

No stone will be left unturned to make the day one of the most memorable ones for the graduands.