Sunday, June 03, 2007

I am celebrating my much awaited vacation and the long-felt need for some rest from the hustle and bustle of college work. Am hoping that I dont get calls from college to report to work during this short period. One does not realise that the teacher becomes fatigued and strained after a year of mental and physical work, much like the students. The annual pattern for the first years has left us all drained and exhausted. I feel the semester pattern is easier on the student.

However, I feel some necessary changes are needed in the education pattern of engineering studies. Students must be allowed to take up part-time jobs and go in for real practical training of about six months in some organisation where their technical skills can be honed. A minimum stipend would be encouraging for the student and the industry/organisation does not stand to lose over a small sum paid to these trainee-students. Organisations should know how to tap the potential of these technical students by making them part of some projects or ongoing technical jobs.

Hmmm...wishful thinking?


Anonymous said...

It is refreshing to see such a nice blog from GCE. It has been 16 years since we graduated from GCE and the memories are still afresh. GCE has come a long way interm of placements and such ....

Great going and keep up the good work. Many thanks to Kurinji for forwarding the link to the GCE 91 yahoo group.

-Shiva / Orlando.

Chitra Lakshimi said...

Hi Shiva, glad to be of service...16 years and the feeling of bondedness still going strong! I lasts a lifetime actually. Thanks for the encouragement. It's a pleasure actually.