Friday, October 12, 2007

GCE in the limelight for a burgalry in the ladies hostel in the wee hours of the morning. At about three, a burglar got into the hostel by forcing open a grill door, the front gate, by scaling up the drain pipes.... everyone knows how rumors and stories fly around. Well, the fact is, he got in somehow, stole a few cell phones from some of the rooms whose doors were not locked and got into a room, switched on the light and held a knife to a girl's throat and threatened her. He took the chain from the girl and took her towards the gate. The moment he started fumbling with a latch, the girl pulled the knife from his hand. He then bit her and somehow managed to run away from the scene. Alarm was then sounded by the poor child who was scared out of her wits and the melee then broke out. Within half-an-hour police were on the scene, press was demanding its share of news and the girls were all too scared to go back into their rooms.
I'm surprised how this could've happened since the ladies' hostel is secure and we have high walls and fencing all around. In addition, we also have three security men guarding the perimeter of the hostel. The mystery will be solved only when the thief tells the story. Till then, we can only surmise and shake our heads.

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