Monday, January 07, 2008

When it rains, it pours! It looks like a cascade of proposals are being submitted by the college. Today, it was a proposal for new I realise that introduction of new courses definitely means that GCE Salem is going to offer more students the benefit of technical education, but the preparatory paper work can be killing. On the other hand, it does look like proposals are my piece of cake. :))
The first years are under a lot of stress due to the exams that are going on...I hope that they stand the pressure well.
The ECE third years seem relaxed, cool and unperturbed by the placement activties. I told them that if they expected starting salaries that would effectively be the sum total of the earnings of their great grandparent, grandparent and parents put together, they would have to work for it. I believe that I have put the fear of God in their hearts....but, I do think that they will be preparing for it all secretely and quietly.
The rumour-mill has it that three more government colleges are to be started at Villupuram, Dindivanam and Panruti in the coming academic year.
Salem is ready with another engineering college called 'Narasus Sarathi Engineering College' near Omalur.
All this bodes well for the state of Tamil Nadu and if the quality of engineers coming out is ensured, then I think Tamil Nadu can offer to the world the best engineers possible.


Anonymous said...

I think this is a concerted efforts by the government of tamilnadu, to produce more Engineering graduates to meet out the growing demands from the industry. It sounds great to hear such news! As a 'veteran', colleges like GCE Salem should be torch bearers to new institutions that are coming up and learn from them too...

Thanks for sharing this news with us...

Chitra Lakshimi said...

I believe you are right. What is important at this moment is to add value to the engineering courses by finding out what the industry needs and to bring that into the curriculum or syllabus for the semester. Of course, students tell me that they are learning more than what their seniors had learnt in the previous sem. The horizon of knowledge keeps exapnding and in proportion there mus talso be expansion in skills I think. Let the industry, software/core, come into the picture.