Wednesday, March 12, 2008

What a month of celebrations and achievements! Tamil Mandram brought out 'Agaram', a Tamil Literary magazine commemorating the Golden Jubilee Year. A Professor of Tamil, from the Periyar University was the Chief Guest. He decided wisely to talk of love as a theme of poems, since that would engage the attention of students. He pointed out how some of the good poems in the magazine related to the theme of love and co-related them with Mu.Mehtha's poems. I was grinning to myself, 'cos there we were, talking to our first years in class about the wisdom of not engaging their attention in matters of the heart till they were about 27 years old and here they were being told that love seemed to be one of the chief areas of interest. More on that later.

Just the other day, a student, who is auditorily and orally challenged, approached me with the father and some friends. He had failed in English and two more papers and the parent wanted to know why he had failed and what could be done. I have observed this student ...he is so cheerful that he makes you give him a happy smile in return, is attentive and even tries to repsond orally when I forgetfully ask him a question or two. I told the parent that he needed his friends ' help in understanding the quantum of work done and work alloted in class and suggested that they request the Principal to allow him to take up a hostel room. Believe me, the Principal once again showed the generous side and not only allotted him a room, but also awarded him the SISCOL scholarship of Rs.20,000/. I was taken aback when I heard about this...understanding the need of a student and responding sympathetically makes a bureaucrat a good leader.

The Hostel Day of the Boys is celebrated as usual with grand preparations and co-ordinated team work from boys. The invitation was tastefully selelcted...the name of the Day even more was "Lion's Den, 2008'. Oh, our boys really do have a way with words.


Raghu said...

Great to hear about out principal's gesture...Hats off to him.

By the way...when you said about the hostel day it remembers me the other grandeur of the year - Gecofest. I heard after our year - 2003, there was no Gecofest being celebrated...Is that so?

Chitra Lakshimi said...

Oh, well, there was indeed one year in which GECOFEST was not celebrated. But we have had it for the past two years now. I've just come back from it and am waiting to write on it.

Raghu said...

Oh..thats great to hear:)

Srini said...

It was our dream to have a tamil magazine circulated during the final year when I and one other friend used to host the tamil mandram meetings. We named it "Tamilaruvi". As usual it died out. However, I am glad to see your blog about "Agaram".

Chitra Lakshimi said...

Well, I have to sheepishly admit that I did not get the copy of the magazine, but the chief guest was bowled over by the quality of the creative pieces of writing.