Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Vacation starts for me from today. However, I must confess it is to be utilised more for my son's wedding preparations than any serious academic pursuit or professional updation. But, nothing shall deter me from enjoying my son's wedding, not the exams, not the valuations , not journal deadlines, not article writing.

I must share the latest whisper doing the rounds in the college...the government seems to have given its NOC for granting autonomy to GCE. It will be a milestone in the annals of the college...the transition from a dependent infant to an independent toddler. Since the actual mechanism of autonomy and what it means for the department of English is still not clear to me, I hope that it will bring about some changes in tune with the needs of the day in technical education.

This set me thinking...it looks like the government has given GCE all it needs by way of infrastructure and is now ready to let it go in its own way... the way a mother lets go off her children once they grow up so that they can fight, lose, survive, win and make their own lives. The law of nature works everywhere.

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