Sunday, June 15, 2008

I've discovered the most amazing use of the net...the availability of free course materials for engineering offered by the IITs. I checked the web page and is something similar to the MIT venture. Our students can immensely benefit from this.

-Good Initiative taken by IIT's & IISc (This is really useful for continuous learners) The IITs have taken up an initiative of starting online teaching and thus have started offering course materials online for every engineering stream.Many professors from all the IITs have provided course materials for each chapter and each subject.One has to register at the link provided below and can access the course material free of cost.Every Chapter has been described with diagrams and charts. Please spread this message to everyone, as many can benefit from this program taken up by the government and IIT.This is just a trial period going on and hence i request everyone to register at the link given.1] Type the following address on internet explorer 2] Click on Courses 3] Sign up as a NEW USER 4] And one can access any course material.Please spread the word, so that this initiative benefits as many students as possible.

I do not know how else I can spread this this is one of my efforts. Shall try other means too.


Anonymous said...

This is real good news. Students will definitely get benefited with this one.

DevilsAdvocate said...

I am disappointed. I think Lakshmi being from English faculty has no expertise to judge the quality of the online teaching materials offered by IITM. To give an example, the teaching material for Refrigeration-Lesson 1 shows the schematic of a ThermoElectric refrigerator(Fig 1.8). The most important part of the schematic must be which of the semiconductors are "p" type and which are "n" type . But these are not marked on the diagram. Without knowing which elements are "p" and which are "n", the direction of heat flow is simply meaningless.

Chitra Lakshimi said...

It is disappointing that the online material is not really up to the mark and that it does live up to the expectations of engineering students. But, I do think that good students who are like my Devil's Advocate, sharp and analytical, will spot the errors and take it for what it is worth.

DevilsAdvocate said...

oh dear lakshmi, u missed the point I was trying to make. I mentioned the mistake merely to demolish ur admiration for the course materials hosted the IIT. Actually, many wonderfull books on Refrigeration are available to students( good or mediocre or whatever) or staff(!!!).

DevilsAdvocate said...

"take it for what it is worth"!! It is just some poor teaching/learning material.

Unknown said...

News about percentage of GCE students who got placed [98.5%] is really great to know. Thanks for that and its really a tremendous feat and congratulations to everyone from Professors, management, students and alumni Team for this achievemet.

Arun Jeyakumaran

Chitra Lakshimi said...

Arun, it really is wonderful, isn't it? Let us pray and hope that companies come in good numbers as they did (around 15) last year. But with software companies playing truant this year, it is my prayer that placement is not affected.

Anonymous said...

Good that IIT/IISc are taking the efforts now to go online.

I guess they have learnt this from the pioneer in the US, namely MIT.

In fact, MIT host most of its course online for FREE. It even includes the taped lectures, course wares etc.

A great feat made possible by one of the MIT professor.

Check it out please -

Hope it meets the needs of all!