Monday, January 05, 2009

I hate fails you when you most need it. It failed us today when the first years were given their third series test in English.

What with these kids giving even series tests like the actual ESOL papers, we have to hold the tests in seminar halls to facilitate the listening test. Today, the system in my hall had a corrupt audio driver, the sound cord was fitted into another system, the copy of the audio CD had faulty recording for some ten questions. And, in the other halls, the CD wouldnt open...or, it played at a low volume...OMG, did we have a hectic three and a half hours from 2 to 5.30 p.m. And, all this for the simple series test which used to be a breeze in the past. Well, every good thing comes at a cost. We were happy that we were all in the same well....

Went to the canteen to cool ourselves at about 5.45 p.m. Aah...there was soft parotta, a spicy kurma that tasted like it was spiced up with chicken stock...there was small, spongy dosa served with hot garam chutney. A compense for the long, frustrating hours in the halls.... There was even kothhu parotta, with eggs and without eggs. Cool draughts of badam kheer chilled us out...

I guess there might be something more for tomorrow...just as we were leaving at six, we heard a rumour that there was a theft in the hostel....

1 comment:

Gopikrishnan said...

cool life...look at me mam..dying without work...after all, you are having parota..which i cant even think of..!