11 of our NCC cadets have received the Sahara Scholarships of Rs.30,000/ each. Isn't that wonderful. I believe that they stand first in the country in this achievement. The scholarship was awarded on the basis of their B grade certificate, their scholastic performance and parental income.
I was very happy that these crew cut boys slaving it out in the hot sun during their parade classes have been recognised on their own merit. Congratulations, boys.
Wow..This is really good news!! Congrats to all those students!! :-)
Any idea, Are they from Air Wing or Army Wing?
Air Wing. All of them!
Air Wing. All of them!
Air Wing. All of them!
ohh..ok...none from army wing :-( (I served as a sergeant in army wing)..
Anyway, it is good that they are all GCEians.. :-)
some many air wings? are they pigeons?
Army wing is the best.
Why? Were you in the army wing?
I was..while i was in 8th and 9th :)
OMG, please save me from the likes of crazy people like Gopi who left GCE, a sane and calm person and is now naughtier than his own child must be.
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