Thursday, September 17, 2009

Technology is so much of a magic at times! Whenever I read Harry Potter I felt it was science at its magical best. Today, when I saw the demo of the Interactive Board, I thought that it was magic at its technical best.

Ah, the many ways in which teachers could use it to hold attention, to highlight a point, to save a brilliantly executed lesson, to use a technique which proved right with one class, to organise the presentation live, to let words rule the space, to allow students to experiment with spellings, to explain grammar, to import images right away, to write with a flourish and style, to bring pre-written formulae right before the eyes, to help review the previous day's class, etc. mmm...the possibilities are immense. I'd love to have an Interactive White Board in the class.

A group of 35 students have left on a ' Festember' talent hunt. I wish them all success. The script for an English play has been accepted. Hooray, to the script writers from ELA.

The two toppers in BULATS Aravind.T.M and Ajay Paul, both from Mechanical, have been asked to go to IRTT on the 24th to enter the competition to fly to Cambridge on a study tour. Hope they excel themselves.

The only thing that saddened me today was that when cleaning the entrance to the department for the inaugural function of SAECE 09, our student volunteers have pulled up about 12 neem saplings about knee high that had grown by themsleves, gently helped by Mother Nature along the walkway. Particularly because just the previous day I had counted them and thought to myself, " Ha, nature at her rejuvenation best!" Spoken too soon and too fast. Couldn't restrain myself from pouring my heart out to a senior student in the lobby, who assured me that such a thing would not happen again. GCE must retain her lush crown of tall and green trees to remain beautiful. It is one of Salem's green spots. We can't afford to take it away from future generations of students.


Gopi Krish said...

5 neem plants gone..ho my did it happen?

Who is the culprit. Arrest him..!!!I will file a complaint.

Moral of the story is i could understand how free you are...!! counting plants... ;)

Chitra Lakshimi said...

Hey Gopi, I am glad you are not in charge of cleaning the would REALLY clean it up by not leaving a single blade of grass in the campus.

I also count the cows, goats and other cattle that come to graze our plants.