Wednesday, November 18, 2009

We bump into so many of our past students every day that it almost seems as if they haven't left us at all...I sometimes feel Time steals memories too, for I always forget whether the students I meet in the corridors and lounges are from the first, second, third or fourth year. It never strikes me that sometimes these are students who have left the classrooms for distant lands and new jobs.
And then, there are those who give me news of their classmates and sometimes, siblings who had also been my students. There's the P.D. brothers (as I like to call them), both of Mech, both with brilliant musical talents and while one is still in the final year, his elder brother is already in TCS, where he is working away at debugging and left his keyboard and guitar clean and shiny in their cases. There are some who come back with news of their wedding..some from boys who had vowed to remain bachelors till eternity! There are some who call up to say that the rough course of love that they had had to weather was now all good and promising and that life was good after all. There are children who lose their parents in accidents or to illnesses and I see them determined to take up their new responsibilities as the young shoulders on whom everything at home rests with a smile and my heart melts. There are those who have had to search for jobs and on successfully bagging one or on successful completion of a year or appreciation from a manager call up to share in their happiness.
I see in GCE life itself...there are the experiences of life in its diverse moods and it all moves forward and backward like the eddies of the ocean. God bless GCE.

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