Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Been off the air for quite some time now...28 hours of workload a week doesn't leave one with much energy for off class hours...Quite a few activities have gone on since the last post...
The departments had their inaugural functions and as one chief guest remarked, 'the buck does not stop there'...follow up activities should go on through the year. 
The Association of Sciences and Humanities had its smart beginning and if one were to go by the performance of the first years' involved in the organisation of the function, everything was beyond one's  expectations. 
For the first time ever, they had an audition for comperes...the queue stretched a mile and a yard (just  kidding, there were about 28 eager beavers). And, all of them were exceptional. 
They conducted the show like pros and bested their seniors. 
Led by Mr.Dharanidharan, Research Scholar and part-time lecturer of Chemistry, the children wowed the audience with their sweet voices and the boys' dance. Everytime, on occasions like this, for a few hours, the auditorium becomes a fairyland, where the most ordinary boy and girl, become stars whom everyone admires and applauds.
This is going to be one Super Set.

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