Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Rather busy days, both at college and at home. 
The second volume of the GCE newsletter has been published and is well received. A lot of effort went into its  production and all credit goes to the team that put its heart and soul into its production. Efforts are on to bring out hard copies to present to HRs who visit the institution, UGC and AICTE expert panel members and to the Commissioner, so that the achievements, big and small, are highlighted.
Tomorrow, the first year students are being admitted. The Principal is making all efforts to make it a smooth one by facilitating their admission in the departments. Lunch is being offered to the first year students and their parents. I must say the lunch served on these days is piping hot, fantastic and much appreciated by parents. I'm told by students that this lunch is similar to their everyday lunch and if so, I think that's wonderful. 
That reminds me, the chappathi being served in the girl's hostel came under the Principal's scanner when he went on a surprise visit. He has advised the cooks to prepare better ones. It's rather sad that the best efforts of the management and authorities in providing chappathi makers, the best dough available in the market and the best brand of dalda are not complemented by the chefs at the grassroot level. Their noodles, bread, butter and jam, dosas and biriyani are appreciated, however.

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