Wednesday, September 14, 2011

TCS has taken in 108 out of the 165 shortlisted. 

What an exciting time this has been, since I got to see the whole process from the ring-side seat. 

I saw with pride the manner in which students rallied to create the resources needed - the online preparation in the Digital Library, the creation of five panel rooms there, the arrangement for 15 panel rooms in the ECE department, the waiting halls, the PCs and printer connected to the Net, the catering arrangements, the hundreds of calls between the Student Co-ordinators as the Guest House and the Auditorium were prepared and the sustained energy of the students as through a long day on their feet, they happily served  every need of the HRs.

There are some things which linger on in my mind - the jet speed at which the Principal  took decisions to fulfill every demand of the student co-ordinators, right from the blazers which they wanted to the printer to the  stationery and catering items to the whitewashing and decoration of the auditorium. Everything they asked for, short of the moon, was granted. Students glowed with happiness and gratitude for this Principal, who I believe has become a Super Hero to the final year student co-ordinators. 

I had immense fun co-ordinating the organisation for the day with the students, especially choosing the menu for the snacks. We literally smothered the overworked, tired and hardworking HRs with deligtful eats. 

The volunteers were of commendable quality. The third year student volunteers in their blue blazers worked like ants through the day, standing sentinel at Panel rooms, serving and waiting on the candidates. About twenty students stood their ground through the whole day. There were others who worked unseen, ensuring the smoothness of the arrangements.  Arpitha, Ansen, Shankar  and Barani were exceptional in their service. These are children who are going to be assets to the organisations as managers. Student co-ordinators won my heart over with their team work and cheerful crusade for the entire student body. Uday, Prakash, Mani and Prashanth spent sleepless nights and co-ordinated the whole show with the spirit of leadership that one finds in older and wiser people. I learnt my lessons in patience and ambassadorship from them. 

GCEians are truly made of the stuff that leaders are made of.


Krish-d-CSE said...

Along with this happy news, I expected you will blog something about our new born babies - "The Printed copies of GCE Chronicles" mam..! :)

Chitra Lakshimi said...

Hi Navneeth, yes, the Sunday that we spent printing out the copies remains fresh in my mind. I think we're all workaholics. Hats off to you, for the being the best printer and publisher in the college.