Monday, April 30, 2012

Vacation has begun and at the right time too...Salem was burning in the heat and with the powercuts, life was getting pretty miserable. (For the last two to three days, Salem's famous fair-weather has returned, much to everybody's relief, though I believe Chennai is sweltering in the heat).

I've always wondered why the British legacy of exams in April/May is still followed in South India.(In the North, exams are completed before the actual heat of the summer is turned on, during which time, students have a short vacation to tide them through the worst of summer). Children lose their energy in the heat and no one seems to have the strength to even move, let alone exercise the brain and have the energy to write pages and pages in the exam hall. Why can't exams be rescheduled for the cooler months of January and September? Rather fanciful, I know, but my heart goes out to all the little ones battling it out in the heat and coming out of the hall, as though they'd been in the wringer of the washing machine. 
Board of Governors has met and ratified the items on the agenda, presented by the new Principal. A meeting with a lawyer to discuss harassment issues was organised by the Principal. TCS has awarded the topper award to an ECE student this time, in accordance with the request of the Principal to consider the students of the other departments too for the award. 

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