Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Ages have gone by since I blogged in...however, things are constantly in a state of change...The Computer Science Department hosted the first ever symposium, called ProGeni 2006. What made us proud was the fact that the children had taken the entire responsibility on their young shoulders and had made a splendid show of it. Even more pleasing was the hospitality that they showed in welcoming the teachers and making them feel as if they were the most wanted people (?), ha..ha... wanted, in the sense that their presence was the most desired one.
This contrasts with the behaviour of some of our students who show disrespect, intentionally or unintentionally, I do not know. For instance, there was this child who did not give her place to a teacher in the college bus, and who was most disrepectful when the teacher offered to get her the ticket, since the conductor was away from the seat in the crowd. She proferred the money for the ticket in the most nonchalant and brattish way with her left hand. To add to the insult, she did not even thank the poor teacher, who was considerate and thoughtful. Maybe, the child thought that teachers have to give students places to sit in the bus. My blood boils at this attitude of children. Don't they really know their manners or have parents forgotten to teach them thinking that schools and colleges will teach them? I don't know...Then, we have to offer more than just education of the mind. Perhaps, education of the heart is also to be imparted at colleges.