Thursday, May 15, 2008

Even as teachers and students prepare for the vacation and study holidays respectively, one finds hundred and one tasks to be completed before one can really sit back and sigh and say, "Ah, the work for the year is over!' AU, Coimbatore had online examination application forms for the students...and paucity of staff led to students themselves going online at the college, downloading the forms and filling them online...something that one could not have imagined earlier.

The canteen nowadays has more customers from the nearby Periyar University, since theirs is of the stuff shoe leather and reindeer horns are made of - tough on the teeth and bad for digestion. Or so, some of them have confessed. Good to know that the GCE canteen is appreciated. I'm sure all GCEians will be happy to hear this. The vadai is great stuff...the thattapayir kolambu is ...slurppp...the rasam , watery but tasty...the poriyal oniony and is not blameless, but it is not poor either. And oh, the rosemilk and badam kheer...served in tall plastic tumblers, is chill, sweet and satisfying these hot summer days. Chappathis are served on special request too...


DevilsAdvocate said...

does the canteen function during summer vacation also? Anyway Periyar university survives solely due to the munificence('unna unavu, irukka idam"- hope they wont demand "udukka udai") of GCE, Salem. I think university now demands more land & staff quarters from GCE. Strange that instead of the university housing the college, here college houses the university. So much for the planning acumen of the decision making authorities.

Chitra Lakshimi said...

Oh yes, it does. It is one of the refuges of our north-eastern students during the vacation...And oh, what would forced -to-be-bachelors in the quarters during-the-vacation -since- the-wife- and children -are- away do if they didn't have the canteen? I already saw a few of our male teachers at the canteen suffering the meal in silence.
As for the University taking up the lands, I get riled whenever I think about this. I mean, what about the safety aspect too, if the university buildings keep jigsawfitting into the college buildings? What I fear, is that one day, the college may be forced to become the University's engineering college. Eek!
The Karuppur people already act as if they own not just the right of way, but the buildings, the trees, the open stretches and the roads.

DevilsAdvocate said...

well, great men think alike. rather great man and great woman seem to have thought alike.
GCE salem was the best planned govt engineering college in Tamil Nadu( better than even CEG currently called AU) but it is now the most ill treated college. I first saw the college in 1967.It was magnificent though not all the buildings were complete. Bit by bit gce has gifted its campus land and autonomy too to others.

Chitra Lakshimi said...

:~( (that's me in tears). However, please let me clarify...GCE's Digital Library's conference hall alone is illustrative of the caterpillar undergoing metamorphosis into a beautiful butterfly.

DevilsAdvocate said...

I am impressed. Is ur pride about the digital library or the Hall in which it is housed? Creating a digital library (eg Project Gutenberg) is a monumental work and takes time.

would u be kind enough to see "digital Library" in wikipedia before posting a reply?

DevilsAdvocate said...

don't go overboard with ur analogies. A butterfly has a very short life span of 2 weeks only!!

Chitra Lakshimi said...

I bet this butterfly will live longer than the 2 days (rider included: if funding continues from its parent source - the government and if there are heads passionate about its development).

Do give me time to collect the info about the online journals subscribed to for this library, the number of systems installed and their management. Shall try and correlate it with the wikipedia definition :

A digital library is a library in which collections are stored in digital formats (as opposed to print, microform, or other media) and accessible by computers.[1] The digital content may be stored locally, or accessed remotely via computer networks. A digital library is a type of information retrieval system.

The term digital library is diffuse enough to be applied to a wide range of collections and organizations, but, to be considered a digital library, an online collection of information must be managed by and made accessible to a community of users.

Many academic libraries are actively involved in building institutional repositories of the institution's books, papers, theses, and other works which can be digitized or were 'born digital'. Many of these repositories are made available to the general public with few restrictions, in accordance with the goals of open access. Institutional, truly free, and corporate repositories are often referred to as digital libraries.

DevilsAdvocate said...

From your lengthy post, I guess that GCE probably has subscribed to some online journals. It will be really a great achievement for GCE to digitise its library.

DevilsAdvocate said...

I looked into but found no mention of the Digital Library!!

Chitra Lakshimi said...

(Sheepishly) The building is ready, installations are going on and the Centre is expected to be inaugurated in another two months or so, along with the Language Resource Centre.

DevilsAdvocate said...

No need to be sheepish. Rome was not built in a day.

DevilsAdvocate said...

Wish you could let down your hair once in a while and blog about GCE issues which annoy you(like the girl in the bus). They would make your blog tastier