Friday, May 30, 2008

Principal Ebenezer Jeyakumar retires from service today. However, the farewells were hosted yesterday. It was quite strange actually - there was more a sense of intense pride in having been a part of the Principal's achievements in everyone of us than an acute feeling of sadness that such a fine man was leaving us. It is my fervent hope and prayer that the next principal will carry on with the momentum created by him. In the farewell speech, he highlighted what he hadn't done or was leaving incomplete and attributed the success of the college's performance to his team of professors, teachers and other supporting staff. The placement officer, Mr. Rajkumar offered the best piece of news for the Principal - that Appollo Tyres had taken in 5 of our students and with that the placement figures for the year stands at 98.5%. All GCEians can take pride in this, immense pride!

Professor Damodarsamy assumes charge as Principal-in-charge.

For the first time, I visited the quarters to invite friends and others in the B,C and D type quarters. Was amazed at the size of each of the houses. Spacious, airy and opening on to huge open spaces outside ...birds of various kinds chirping, fluting and cawing...everything was so serene, calm and peaceful. I then heard that all this would be razed down by Periyar University to house its departments and that the housing quarters for GCE would be moved closer to the IOC filling and storage inhale its pure fumes and breathe in its gassy fragrance. How could life be so cruel?

But then, as with everything else, life must go on...


ashok.madhavan said...

sad to hear that.

Chitra Lakshimi said...

Yes, indeed...there can be no other so dynamic or people oriented administrator. The faculty and students all acknowledge that we have all learnt a lot about work ethics and professionalism from him.