Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Everyday, I learn lessons in, I learnt it from Arvind.T.M. of final year Mech, Student Editor of GCE Newsletter, ELA Secretary,Student Placement Co-ordinator, aspiring to be Ohio University Doctoral Student in Aerospace Engineering, avid reader, organiser of Mekchat 2011 and now, an active blogger. 

His blog at offers interesting insights into the various facets of aeronautics. Written in his inimitable style, the blog takes up his free time. The intensity on his face when he writes is a study by itself. 

Today, I had Arvind and Gowthami in the department taking their work very seriously, one in blogging and the other in preparing for her CAT essay writing, almost the entire afternoon. It's a pleasure to see children engrossed in academic work...Gowthami has sought help to sharpen her skills in the language, since she is preparing for the CAT exams. 

I'm always delighted when in the fourth year, children find a sense of direction and are ready to experiment with their choices. Suddenly, they are no longer children...they are adults who are wise, curious, alert, practical and insightful.

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