Saturday, December 23, 2006

21.12.2006 was a different kind of day, with the first years inaugurating the Science Association for the academic year. A distinguished guest was invited from the State Science Forum who gave an interesting talk on evolution, a take off on the article in The Hindu by Dr.Balasubramaniam. The talk was interesting except that it went on for a bit too long. However, one has to laud the first years for their patient hearing. The long talks were succeeded by a variety entertainment. Gosh, the first years have a lot of talent. There's Mythily, the black belt in Karate who was graceful and charming in a folk dance and many other participants who wowwed us with their performances. Heard that it went on till 6.30 in the evening. It is good that students get to expend their energy in such activities that encourage creativity and team work.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Department of Metallurgy is hosting a 5-day seminar on Materials and Metallurgy to introduce the concepts to teachers of Mechanical Department who have to teach this as a new subject to their students under the new curriculum. I believe the system of introducing new subjects every semester is rather good, because teachers are learnign more and more everyday. Updation of knowledge becomes a necessary part of one's career and such training programmes come in handy. Teachers from the Salem Zone are participating in it. The seminar is being held at the swanky new seminar hall of the ECE Block. It is a self-contained hall and makes one feel proud of the facilities available there.

Friday, December 15, 2006

The Department of English hosted a one-day Orientation Programme for teachers on 12.12.2006, for the first time ever in the history of the Department of English at GCE, Salem 11. The three of us worked hard and by god's grace the whole show went off well. The morning session saw us - the three of us offering sessions on Communication, Common Errors and Pronunciation, which were splendidly received. The student volunteers were magnificent; they were busy as bees throughout the day and made sure that all were invited to lunch too.The afternoon sessions were engaged by Dr.Usha Sri and Dr.T.Nagavalli on Effective Teaching and Micro teaching. The new teachers were absolutely taken aback by the hundreds of little things that teachers have to observe in their teaching practices. We only missed the Principal who was unwell and had to take bed rest and so couldn't attend the programme. We have been asked to take up a similar programme for two days in February. We are also happy that we are contributing to the Faculty Development in the college to help our students receive the best of education.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

College is all hushed up and silent because of the examinations. Only the first year kids have any energy left to make a noise. The department of English is organising a one-day orientation programme for teachers. We are working hard to make it a success, God willing. That is an expression that I seem to have picked up from the Principal, who always says...'God willing'. The Preparation of reports for seeking accreditation are going on. I wish that all the departments and all the programmes get this NBA at one go, so that one does not have to go through the tedious process.

Monday, November 20, 2006

The department is getting busy with the organisation of the one day programme. We also attended the inaugural function of a two-day programme conducted by the Department of EEE. It was on Virtual Implementation of Labview or some such technical jugglery with words. There was a nice piece of cake that followed the function. Relished that... Hope to get the new telephone for the department. Reorganised Mr.Subramani's songs on the comp. A few teachers have asked for BEC courses for them. Hope to train them sometime in the near future.

Monday, November 06, 2006

GCE, Salem and Chitra

Hey, the department of English has got a new professor, Dr.Anbalagan from Karaikudi. The language lab will see some progress under his guidance. He is full of ideas to help the first years.

The Computer Science student volunteers for the HCL placement were in the deprtment for a small chat. Srinivasan , I believe, asked one of the HCL people how they could answer this question:
Say only yes/no. Question: ----, I am a fool. ---, I am an ignorant ass.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Everything's going by in a blur these days, with the TEQIP related paper work taking up a lot of time. There are class committee meetings, mentor's meetings, class advisor meetings and all the rest of it that leaves us no free time to read or write. Met a wonderful Professor, one Dr. Nagabhushan Roa, a man of fantastic knowledge which included not just technical stuff, you know, but pages and pages of literature that he quoted with flair. A teacher of the past who reminds those of the present that one is never filled enough with knowledge.
Siddarth, a final year student ( who, I swear, must be Gillespie's clone) told me about his efforts to go to the U.S for his higher studies. Told him that there were two students who were in U.S and who were maintaining a website and that if contacted they might be able to guide and help him. But, that website which I so enjoyed is no longer to be seen on the net and so I couldn't get him their website address. Shall persevere however.
The parents of first year students who have failed in more than two subjects in the first series test were informed of their child's poor performance. I know it will come as a shock to them, but our Principal is keen that parents be kept informed of their ward's performance. It might help the students too. I did ask a student who had dropped in and he informed me that having been a vocational student it had been difficult but that the next time, his performance would be better. The poor fellow had tears in his eyes and since I normally hate to see children cry,I consoled him and offered help anytime he wanted. But these guys like to work on their own and I am sure that this boy will surely do well the next time in his tests.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

It was heart-breaking to see the campus littered with banana leaves, plastic discards, paper, dried flowers, stale food leftovers, mud, water and dried food stains after the campus was let out to the district authorities for the recent elections. I don't blame the authorities, its been the common man (the desi katchi alu) who has done this. Do they know how much care and thoughtfulness had gone into the sprucing up of the campus by the Principal? Ha..I'm disgusted and hope that I don't ever, ever see college in such an ugly state. Hope the district authorities will give it a thorough cleaning up as our sanitation workers are just a few in number and may not suffice to carry out a complete overhaul of the place. Well, don't mind me...I'm an old woman who expects sweetness and loveliness all the time. That is why I am irked by the callousness of the elected and the electorate on the counting day.

However, Diwali is in the air and everybody's bustling around with an air of expectancy and joy. I wish all the students, present and past, a festive and joyful celebration.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Ages have gone by since I blogged in...however, things are constantly in a state of change...The Computer Science Department hosted the first ever symposium, called ProGeni 2006. What made us proud was the fact that the children had taken the entire responsibility on their young shoulders and had made a splendid show of it. Even more pleasing was the hospitality that they showed in welcoming the teachers and making them feel as if they were the most wanted people (?), ha..ha... wanted, in the sense that their presence was the most desired one.
This contrasts with the behaviour of some of our students who show disrespect, intentionally or unintentionally, I do not know. For instance, there was this child who did not give her place to a teacher in the college bus, and who was most disrepectful when the teacher offered to get her the ticket, since the conductor was away from the seat in the crowd. She proferred the money for the ticket in the most nonchalant and brattish way with her left hand. To add to the insult, she did not even thank the poor teacher, who was considerate and thoughtful. Maybe, the child thought that teachers have to give students places to sit in the bus. My blood boils at this attitude of children. Don't they really know their manners or have parents forgotten to teach them thinking that schools and colleges will teach them? I don't know...Then, we have to offer more than just education of the mind. Perhaps, education of the heart is also to be imparted at colleges.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Some more glad tidings... Sterlite has taken in 14 students from the Mechanical and Metallurgical Engineering branches...

I wish I could keep bringing in such good news till all our children are placed...

I believe the old students are having a meet at the college on Sunday...Welcome to all our boys and girls...Hope you have a good time reliving some of the happy memories...

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Presented a ppt on Group Discussion to the III year ECE students. What I enjoyed most was the fact that they got the LCD, the projector and system with the least fuss and without me having to go with a begging bowl to the staff in charge for the LCD. It can be a little disconcerting sometimes to have to do this.... but I was spared the blushes by the boys of the final year who got the devices, I really don't know how, but, yes, they did conjure it up in the classroom in ten minutes flat and the show went off smoothly in spite of my anticipation about a technical hitch that always crops up at presentations.

It also seems that 14 of our students, 9 girls and 5 boys were selected by Computer Science Company, which I believe is the third largest mnc. However, they were students already picked by TCS and some of these children couldn't even celebrate the second offer, because they were afraid of the taunts of their fellow students about their dual placement and deprival of a chance to another candidate to be placed.

Ethically, I suppose anyone could argue for or against such placements, but I believe that ultimately the student concerned should be the one to decide and no one can judge them and declare that they were right or wrong.The question that arises in my mind at this moment is this: What if it had been me? I believe that I would certainly have taken my decision based on many parameters and that I certainly wouldn't like my fellow beings to give me a sense of guilt or saintliness, just because of a decision that I took.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Salem had the heaviest downpour of the season... non stop rains for an hour and a half...

I'm waiting to see college tomorrow... because after the rains, she shines with the gentle hues of rain-washed trees and shrubs...wet earth...clean roads along the departments...gulmohar trees in a blaze of vermillon...

We had a staff meeting with the Prinicpal who shared information on the NBA and placements and World Bank aid under TEQIP... along with a mouthful of jelebi and a packetful of kara sev.

Well, one thing for sure, the Prinicpal is keen on ushering in changes for the better... it should help the cause of children.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Oh wow! Caritor, the last company in phase 1 of recruitment has
taken in 15 students.

But, I believe the students hadn't informed the principal about the development and were blasted by him for their carelessness and indifference.

Well, I was there when the students in the placement cell were ticked off and what shocked me was that they did not apologise to the principal about this. Where are manners and courtesies going? Shouldn't it have come immediately to their minds and lips to say some words that will express their regrets?

I am agonised by the attitude of these boys.... and they were two of our best boys! Perhaps, they need to be taught to use words like 'Thank you', 'Sorry' etc. Or, the fact that they are already assured of a job gives them that attitude? I don't know. But, surely students need to be temperate, dignified and at all times observing the niceties of manners.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Community Technology... reaches out to the community. The Mechanical Department conducted an eight day training programme on 'automobile service and maintenance'. We attended the valedictory function and was I happy to see that 20 boys had received the training ; and these boys are hopeful of using the training to be inducted into service garages and automobile companies.

It felt good to know that our faculty and non-teaching staff and the facilities of the college could reach out to the community and be of service in some small way.

The transfer of teachers was the hot topic among the staff members as the much dreaded Bargur loomed large over many heads.

Heard that HCL had taken in 7 GCE, Salem, 9 GCE, Bargur and 22 GCE, Vellore students in the recruitment drive. My guess is that Satyam may take in more of our students.

A howler in an exam paper corrected recently.
Give the noun form of the following word: ( explode). The answer was "atom bomb".

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Good news to all... 54 of our students have been selected by CTS. Hema has made it and I am glad for the kid. Some of our students came to the department to share the good news. Ayush Sharma, the musician and mischievous Mr. Festember 2005, spent a leisurely hour talking to us.

We asked him and a few others how they had improved their communication skills and were told that English movies with subtitles at the rate of two or three a day and newspaper reading helped them. So, I guess, that in time English teachers may have no role at all ... as if we do now...who am I fooling? Ha..ha

Satyam, Caritor and one another company whose name I forget are coming in the ensuing weeks... should see a sizable number placed then.

Ayush, ofcourse was telling me that there is a peculiar problem that he is facing in the hostel after the placement...It appears that those who are not placed feel a certain resentment and are kind of ignoring those who have been placed. Ayush said that it was a new experience, since he has always been friendly and popular with all. He was diffident about even offering to help, in case the unselected students felt marked and kind of small.

Well, I guess time will heal these students as they come to accept the realities of life. It must be tough on them. Pray that God gives them the strength to accept their defeat and the courage to face the tomorrows and prepare for future victories.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Hooray! TCS has taken in 84 of our students after that mammoth exercise that extended into the wee hours of Wednesday. However, our Prinicipal is not happy as he had expected at least 120 to be recruited.
He asked us, the department of English, to help the final year students. We promised to take up one seminar hour to help out our guys.
But, there is something strange in the selection process - it cannot just be lack of communication skills - brilliant students with excellent academic record and really good, I mean really good communication skills have not been selected. I do not know what the expectations of the company were, but, I do wish there were a feedback to let us know where our students have failed to live up to the expectations.
However, I am happy that there is one person in Salem, a consultant who runs an education consultancy service, who has told my neighbour that their daughter should find a place in GCE, but should not consider it as GCE does not have any recruitment at all ( hey, is the guy deliberately blacking out info? Last year, 220 of our students were placed), who will have to eat his words.
CTS has come in today, and I hope a good number of our good students overlooked by TCS will be happier today. Heard that Hema and Divya had sobbed their hearts out. I wish the kids well.

Monday, June 26, 2006

TCS, the giant is in the campus. They had an accreditation meet to review the college and to probe the validity of the college of its claim as a college of repute. Mr.Pattabiram, one of the members unreservedly apologised for the fact that the college had so far been overlooked by it. It questioned teachers on methods used to impart good communication skills, review, student feedback, parent- college interface and importance given to ethics.

What impressed me at the end of it was their assertion that the company looked for culture, communication skills and knowledge base. They were simple, frank and open too in their discussions.

Kudos to the principal, Dr.Jeyakumar for his perseverence in persuading the company to come in for a recruitment drive in the college. All this happened last week. Today, the company has come for an online test for our students, which I believe goes on till 3a.m tomorrow. The kids are dead serious about it and anyway, I have no doubt about the capability of the present set. They are a brilliant and hard-working lot. God bless them with success.

Hema and Pradeepa, the two sweet things from EEE called up late last night to tell me they were taking up the test and sought blessings. God will be there with them and guide their thoughts and actions, I am sure. I wish the kids well.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Am on vacation for the summer. Am polishing up the research pages. Am wondering if I will ever finish the study.
College was quiet and seemed to have gone into hibernation too, except for the office and exam cell. Maybe my imagination. The college has activities running throughout the year.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

A GCE that the old timers may not recognise....

GCE is getting ready for the accreditation team's visit. Believe me when I say that she is beginning to glitter like a bride. The blocks are getting a new sheen of paint ...though, of course, while all else a re the dull, drab military green and ochre shades, the computer science block is the pale pink of pearls and with a lovely beige border ...very, very English and very much like a pretty rose.

The insides are getting a shape-up too. The lounge in the admin block is bright, airy and lit with chandeliers and other silvery lights which brighten the atmosphere. The walls are laid with marble and have granite borders.

The park areas outside that used to be overgrwon with bushes, are all cleaned by the assiduous students and look clean, neat and tidy. There are park and no park signs all over the campus. The signboards glitter with new colours.

All in all, a great look is being given to the college.

Heat is building up in Salem. It was 37 degress today. Likely to climb the chart. Children had their sports day. As usual, ice-cream bars were eagerly lapped up. I missed the sports day, cos I was busy preparing the report and slides for the report to be given to the NBA. However, I missed the heat and the sports.
The BEC batch from final CSE were in the department, pulling one another's legs and mine too in the process. Jhanu (Jhansi Rekha) and Uma got their autograph books signed by us...

Missed Sri in the group...Sri is our special friend and VJR's special friend too... VJR looks ineffably sad these days...wonder if he is getting used to the idea that he will soon be missing Sri. Hope everything works well for the kids and that there is happiness waiting for them...

We have invited them all to lunch on Wednesday at Lakshmi Prakash...

Muthu, the mech man of 2005 was here to meet me...He has found himself a good job at Pune with a steel company. I wish him all the best in his work...the guy impresses me with his sincerity and singleness of purpose and the cheerfulness that is always seen in him. He has the potential to reach the top.

Heard that the farewell party for the final year is being hosted at Chenneys. Mmmm...

Uma is apprehensive as it appears that the juniors have got all kinds of personal info like who they think is the smartest boy...who has stolen their hearts...who is the heartthrob, etc., She is afraid that the info will be used by the juniors to rag them...Tables are turning I see, with seniors being scared of being ragged.

Ha, GECOFEST 2006 was once again a gala event for GCE. It unfailingly stirs up a lot of activity, spurs creative moments and ends in heart throbbing cultural competitions - heart throbbing, literally, since the regally yellow and maroon curtain goes up to some thumping music.

I along with Prof Parveen Kumar Issar and Mr. Sankar judged the Western Choreography event. Since cinema songs were prohibited, there was music only. Boy, was it fantastic. I never knew Mukhil had it in him to dance so well. But, the outright winners in my opinion were the second years under Saravanan. The boy has real talent in choreography. There was unison in the execution of the dance and some fantastic steps. The general aesthetics of the dance scored outright some brownie points for it. Of course, the other two judges had their preferences and when the scores were totalled, the final year students won the first prize. It was good, but the aesthetics,mmm.. not as good as that of the second years.

The next one was on Adapt Themes. The second years had us in splits with their bit on "NO SMOKING". The joke is that it was judged by, among others, a professor known for his chronic smoking habit.

Left the hall after that, as there was a powercut. Went around admiring the exhibits of clay modelling and other sculptures. There were some spectacular pieces.
It's wonderful how young people have the creative juices flowing in them...I vaguely remember that at one time, I was creative too. I liked drawing and writing. Well, perhaps, that is the way life moves on.

Will miss the final year CSE students who took up BEC with the department of English. They are sweet kids, full of unpretentious friendliness.

GCE after the NBA visit

The dust has settled down on the NBA visit to GCE. The Alumni meeting with the panel of the NBA at Chenny's Gateway went off quite well. About a 100 past students attended the meet and interacted with the committee. The committee was quite probing in its questions and moved on from one aspect of alumni interaction to another. These professors from IIT were very smart and knew how to get to the bottom of affairs.I was surprised to learn that about 120 students now work in Neyveli Lignite Corporation.

Well, the administration has done its best to get the accreditation for the college that will ultimately benefit our students. The cosmetic changes have also done the college a world of good. The lounge is also at its atractive best.
Well, I was involved in the preparation of the powerpoint presentation of the college profile and believe me when I say that I was also amazed at the growth of the college.

Preparations are afoot for the GECOFEST 2006, a one day affair. The brochure is well written and needs to be commended. Ayush, our II year Mech man was here to get Professor Parveen Kumar Issar to participate in the orchestral show.
We all know professor's singing talents and every alumnae remembers it.

College is also gearing up for the elections. Pity all the classrooms that have been renovated will be dirtied by glue, gum, pasai, seal wax and posters all over the classrooms shortly when the district authorities take over the classes.

I also look forward to see the dance to be performed by the girls. No movie songs are allowed and so there may be more creativity and originality in the shows.