Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Directorate of Technical Education is nearing its golden jubilee. Plans are afoot to make it a memorable year since technical education in Tamil Nadu has gone a long way in offering to the country quality engineers from its very humble beginnings. Committees are being formed to celebrate the academic and co-curricular achievements in a big way. Any suggestions from our alumni would be welcomed since they are one of the major strengths of GCE. The alumni can perhaps think about a Golden Jubilee Alumni Scholarship for the first rank holder among the freshers admitted to various disciplines. Merit cum Means might also be considered. Was just thinking aloud.

The principal today congratulated the two of us - Dr.Senthilkumar/EEE and me for the doctorates. It felt a little funny to be called Dr.Chitra Lakshimi. It sounded like someone else. Perhaps, I have to learn to accept it. The thesis was on material design for a Value Education Programme for engineering students using the Harry Potter books. Four main elements of the thesis were establishing that the witches and wizards of HP are innovative, identifying the entertainment values, identifying the educative values and finally designing model lesson plans to imbibe values through discussions, reflection, introspection etc. The teacher is here only a facilitator, infact, there just to keep the ideas rolling in. I believe democracy in expressing one's ideas will clarify one's values.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Alumni of GCE is an active force and everyone of them who has received so much in life due to GCE wishes to give back something to their alma mater. Right now, under the stewardship of Mr. Rajkumar, lecturer in Civil Engg, and Placement Officer, the alumni are frequently being invited to the college. I am aware that they have contributed to the knowledge bank of students by camping at the college for three or four days before their placement activities begin, that is sometime in February to give intensive mock interviews and to groom them for their group discussions. They have also installed the massive hoarding of the college name last year. Financially, I am not aware if they fund any scholarships. There are some students who really need financial assistance and if some kind of help comes from the alumni it should be good. Also, like in other campuses, students who are well placed in companies must come forward to take up campus recruitment. That will be an excellent way to spread the good news about the excellence of GCEians.
GCE is all washed in the rains. First year exams are on. Am back in college after my viva and convocation. Seems strange that the Dr. will be appended to my name. Mr.Senthil Kumar of EEE has also obtained his doctorate from Anna University. It was a proud moment for both of us. I must thank GCE for the opportunity I got to take up doctoral studies and to pursue it these past four and a half years. I thank all my students and colleagues who were so encouraging and always wished well for me.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Exams are on and the first year kids are getting a little jumpy and nervous. My class rep, Hari is falling sick more often and has lost his smile. He looks grumpy and annoyed most of the time...must be the books that he is catching up with. :)
My class co-rep, Krithika is immensely talented and has done such fantastic posters for the Creative Assignments. I am sure that this child has her talents in the world of design and advertisemnts. God bless her.
I too am losing sleep over the impending doctoral committee meeting this week to fix the date for my viva. Am catching up with the Harry Potter books once again. It is really surprising how these books still hold my interest even after reading so many times. I feel it may be because an adult reader is constantly looking for new truths to emerge from these readings. Why cannot reading books be made a compulsory term assignment for all the engineering students?
Ever since newspapers were made mandatory at the hostel, I find students are indeed showing improvement, as one of my Civil Engg, students Raja confessed. He admitted that reading the Deccan Chronicle and the Indian Express has made him speak more confidently.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Am just back from the salubrious climate of Yercaud and a five-day manangement training which the department of English helped organise. Boy, the programme was rather unsettling, because it presaged a rather gloomy future for government colleges, as they might undergo a complete organisational transformation in the coming days. The two resource persons Dr.Umeshwar Pandey and Dr Firdausi from Administrative Staff College , Hyderabad presented the sessions.
Dr. Pandey indicated that with the anticipated tranformation in the structure of government colleges there is a need for change management. Hence, he trained the 25 participants on what to anticipate, how to accept, negotiate, be a part of and grow from the changes. It was also an eye-opener on how to improve workplace relationships and to effectively lead teams. The role play with a group simulating a managers' meeting to deal with several issues was enough to bring home the point that people-relationships and management need a lot of attention. The whole show was videographed and it felt a little goosebumpy to watch oneself in action, since I had taken on the role of the Personnel Manager. Oh, how important it is to watch one's body language, choice of words and the plethora of strategies that one has to plan to get the agenda going.
There was also an action plan drawn by our group on meeting the stakeholders' expectations in the field of education. There were a few drastic measures such as attendance being optional and online tests. Teachers can easily be replaced in the classroom and that is something we have to deal with.
The programme was immensely challenging to the mind, since it made us think from several angles.
Dr.Firdausi helped us understand that in each one of is the Parent, Adult and Child Ego States and made us identify the dominant state present in oneself. He affirmed that while the parent and child states ought to be present in 15 and 25% each, the adult ought to be somewhere around 60%.
I hope that I can use the newly gained knowledge to learn to be a good 'education manager'.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Ah..blessed be the department for the conduct of the online examination in Communication Skills Lab for the 3rd years and the final year students. Our CSE final year students served as our techhies and got us through the series of bugs in the examination software and helped us heave a big, big sigh of relief at the end of it all. The concept is all good and modern - the idea of an online exam. However, it requires the patience of a cow and the perseverance of a spider.
Students of course as ususal performed their role with verve. They really sparkled in the PPTs for the oral test. Though some might've developed a crick in the neck with their reading of the presentation there were many who performed splendidly and chose a variety of interesting topics.
Am waiting for the language lab to be set so that students can go in for language assimilation on their own.

Friday, October 12, 2007

GCE in the limelight for a burgalry in the ladies hostel in the wee hours of the morning. At about three, a burglar got into the hostel by forcing open a grill door, the front gate, by scaling up the drain pipes.... everyone knows how rumors and stories fly around. Well, the fact is, he got in somehow, stole a few cell phones from some of the rooms whose doors were not locked and got into a room, switched on the light and held a knife to a girl's throat and threatened her. He took the chain from the girl and took her towards the gate. The moment he started fumbling with a latch, the girl pulled the knife from his hand. He then bit her and somehow managed to run away from the scene. Alarm was then sounded by the poor child who was scared out of her wits and the melee then broke out. Within half-an-hour police were on the scene, press was demanding its share of news and the girls were all too scared to go back into their rooms.
I'm surprised how this could've happened since the ladies' hostel is secure and we have high walls and fencing all around. In addition, we also have three security men guarding the perimeter of the hostel. The mystery will be solved only when the thief tells the story. Till then, we can only surmise and shake our heads.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

There is another training programme on MATLAB, which is a compilation of toolkits which help you work on anything with the help of simple commands. I registered for the programme hoping that I would learn something about Data Analysis - in order to help me prepare graphs and charts in ppts. The first session was so technical that I was scared off by the technical jargon and the only thing that might've tempted me to sit through the rest of the sessions may have been the canteen lunch sponsored under TEQIP for the participants. :) To confess, it was a pleasure to listen to Dr.R.S.D.Wahida Banu who took a class and explained the concepts so well with examples easy enough for even lay people to understand.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Department of English is sad to say that Mr.Subramani, Lecturer in English has got a transfer to Vellore. A committed teacher, caring warden and a supportive colleague - he is Vellore's gain and Salem's loss.

I attended the first day of a Faculty Development Programme on 'Nanotechnology-An Introduction'. The presentation by Dr.Arivuoli of Anna University was very interesting. The talk covered nano characterisation, nano effects in Nature and Technology (Lotus-Leaf Effect, Sandfish Effect, Beetle Effect, Gecko Effect), Nano crystals etc.and was so interesting that I was glad I had registered for the programme, though initially I had had misgivings about being a misfit among the engineering faculty. Isn't it an exciting new field? but, as Crichton points out in his latest book, it could turn out to be an unwitting companion in crime to greedy individuals because of the undependable nature of nano materials. That frightens me a bit, but then , so did the telephone, lights, turbines etc in the beginning. Seems to have been a week of science fiction and facts, as I have just finished an old Crichton novel, "Timeline", a novel based on quantum theory and teleportation.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

I feel euphoric, merely because the final year mechanical students took the tests for communication skills lab in full strength. Bringing these big boys to the class is like managing a herd of zebras loping away from predators. And, when they come together, it is next to impossible to scold them. They have such 'paavam' faces. I know it is part of the game they play with gullible teachers, but then I always fall a prey to the wiles of students.

Next week, it is going to be powerpoint presentations from ten of them. Prof.M.K.Duraisami has been invited to sit at them. I know for certain that these boys who manage to make heart attacks happen in the class because of their relaxed and easygoing ways will defintely make a good show of it and make all who complain of them look like idiots. :))

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Something strange is really going on with the Salem weather...we have rains pouring from clear skies-just-a-moment-ago. The little wood between the admin block and the ECE block could be seen overflowing with little rivulets.
The principal addressed the first years at the inauguration of the Science and English Literary Associations. How jumpy can a programme get? The PA system was not in place till 3.00 p.m (that was when the programme was slated to begin). The bright-faced and sweet-voiced MC from the first year changed the order of the agenda (a slight oversight due to shuffling of her papers). (She did a very fine job and more than compensated for her lapse with her clear diction and correct intonation). The podium mike began screeching and went mad with static and hisses. The ELA secretary, Shankar Ganesh, went weak due to his recent jaundice attack and had to stop his speech due to spasms. All in a day's work, said I to myself.
I learn a lot about people from these exercises at college. I get to know of irresponsible senior students who do not care for old values, I get to know some fantastic children who take up their responsibilties with zeal, I get to know the immense potential that the first years possess and I get to know that at the end of a programme, there is an immeasurable sense of relief and freedom sensed by those in charge of such programmes.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Another milestone in the history of GCE. The first batch of MBA and ME(Computer Science and Engineering) had the inaugural function of their programmes in our college. Dr.A.Ebenezer Jeyakumar, Principal presented the inaugural address. He warmly welcomed them and as co-ordinator of the programme spoke to them of the need to be different and to be good role models for the juniors. He categorically stated that he would not compromise on the quality of the input and output in the classes - both at the student and faculty level. It was good to listen to his booming voice and one could see happy smiles all around from the students when he told them about the placement records of the college. The ME students had a class following the inaugural session. Heavy rains followed the inauguration and the sweet, karam and coffee served at the ECE seminar hall. The kids were there to help us out with the preparations. What would we do without the children's help at all times, I wonder.
The department of ECE also organised a three-day long Community Development programme on Mobile servicing and PC Assembling for unemployed youth. TEQIP and GCE are doing worthwhile service to the society, I feel.
Exams are drawing nearer and I feel all jittery and shaky about the exams which seem to have just descended on us all too quickly. But, on second thoughts, it's what every teacher and student feels as the semester draws to a close.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

It's pouring cats and dogs at Salem. Jet black butterflies with white dots painted in their wing tips are seen in migration in the campus. Classes are bustling with busy teachers, studious (!) children and nosiy feet pattering across the corridors.
It looks like we hardly have time for any other activity like reading or writing. A new professor has come in for the Civil Department. Professor P.M.Kavimani is in charge of the college as principal, since Dr.Ebenezer Jeyakumar is recuperating from the heart attack that he suffered last month.
The first years are going through their tortuous process of settling in, getting to terms with new people and new surroundings, the insects that cause burn-like marks in the girls' hostel and the horror of listening to English teachers speaking only in English. But, I really admire the gutsy first years this time. There are many Tamil medium students, but they are so determined to do well, that most do not mope over the new language. On the other hand, they are determined to give it a go. We also hear stories of children weeping long into the night - girls and boys. But, as we have seen over the years, this lasts but for three months and then friendshipsbecome more important. However, in these three months, we will as usual see a few deserters and lonely wanderers.
Ah well, I must mention that the Alumni meet went off very well. Nothing beats the joy of just wandering among one's favourite trees and classrooms and reliving memories in the auditorium.

Friday, August 10, 2007

It was a day of joyous welcome to the batch of first year students for the year 2007-08. A lot of elaborate arrangements had gone in to make our students feel welcome. The college bus was taken via the new bus stand. There were two students with welcome banners there to receive parents and students.
Almost all teachers were roped in for the certificate verification. An interesting observation is that students with a cut-off of 197 to 178 have opted for our college. And, a majority of students were from rural government schools. I was just thinking that the government subsidies in education are available to really needy students and that the government was doing everything possible to make engineering education a reality at a miniaml cost for many first generation learners. It was a heart-warming feeling.
The children were welcomed at the Principal's desk with a sweet. A sumptuous and steaming lunch was served to the parents, students and the teachers in charge of the duties. I was getting a peek into their mess halls, and hey, the well tiled, clean airy and bright mess halls were good to see. I was also amazed at the manner in which the hostel staff catered to the guests numbering at least a good 900 to 950. It was similar to a wedding lunch. Perhaps, I should tell you the menu...there was a laddu, potato masal fry, cabbage kootu, a fantastic murungai saambar, tangy rasam, appalam, moru and some ( rather a tumblerfull) paruppu payasam. They tell me, children get almost all of these every day. Mmmm...they are indeed lucky.
As said earlier, we are under Anna University, Coimbatore this year on and we are eagerly waiting for the syllabus and other things to get the teaching rolling.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Have come back after a three-day Interantional Conference on 'New and Emerging Trends in ELT' and after a paper presentation there based on online communities and social interaction facilitating language acquisition. Was given about twenty minutes to present the paper. Sadly, however, the system provided at Loyola, the venue of the conference failed and as teachers do, I depended on the good old technology of using the audio system in the speech organs of the human body to do the trick. It was an enjoyable experience and I was even more pleasantly surprised by a memento of a book after the presentation. If I were to get books after paper presentations, I'd present a million.
The conference had many foreign delegates and it was good to know that there were people with common interests in technology to aid ELT,(that is, English Language Teaching). There were many workshops on technologies. I have learnt (something to start with) of video production, use of wikis in English classrooms, blogs in ELT and podcasting. I did not know that Skpe along with another software called Pamela helps students listen to their own recordd voices. I hope that I can do something with these little things learnt at the conference.
P.S: Principal Ebenezer Jeyakumar has suffered a mild attack and is under observation at Coimbatore. May he have a quick recovery and get well soon.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

The Department of English organised a workshop for the III Year students on CV writing and Interview techniques. The Resource person was Dr.V.Thiagarajan from Bannari Amman College of Tech, Erode. He represented the British Council who offered their expertise to our students. The ppt was quite informative and in touch with modern techniques. The children were very happy with the talks and, if I may proudly say so, it was held in the ECE Seminar Hall.
Dr.V.Thiagarajan commented that he was surprised that a government college had such facilities. The truth is, GCE Salem has really good infrastructure, much better than those offered by SF colleges, though we may not have the frills like architectured landscapes and marbled walls all over. But, GCEians can take pride in the fact that we are SOLID inside. Perhaps, one day, if I can get my hands on the photos of new and sophisticated equipment installed and used in the labs and the pictures of seminar halls, you will all get an idea of the complete makeover the college has had.

Another exciting news for all is that from this academic year we are Anna University, Coimbatore after the demarcation of regions such as CBE, Tiruchi and Tirunelveli. And, yes, keep breathing, MBA and M.E. Computer Science are offered this year at our college under Anna Unviersity, CBE. Keep rejoicing.

Monday, July 09, 2007

How could I give you all such late news? Most unforgivable act, I know. That is because the good news is already beginning to flow in...TCS has taken in 151, ( 151, please), TAFE has taken in 2 and Wipro has taken 39. Caritor has happily taken in 16. More companies are in line.
Right now, we are busy preparing presentations for the NBA visit. The Principal was very pleased with the English department's ppt. He said it was an excellent presentation. I wish I could stop blowing the trumphet, but, I cannot seem to be able to do it.
7 Metallurgy students of last year placed in software companies have cleared the National examinations and are recruited by SAIL as trainess. Purnima Seshadry and Uma Priyadarshini came to offer me some sweets. I feel very proud that GCEians are proving their mettle in their field of study.
The teaching faculty is right now in a decimated condition, what with Prof V.Ramachandran and Prof.Marappan having retired, Dr.Nelson of Maths transferred to Bargur and a few other teachers having retired or on sick leave.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Am back with a bang at feels good to be back, especially because the first day started with a training on using the LAN set up in the college. Two gentlemen from the suppliers spoke to us of technical aspects...( some of which blissfully went over my head...all I remember now are - co-axial cables, utv cables, ftp, ping, ip and a few more such heady technical stuff). I am ready to start bombarding departments with A-word-a-day, A thought for the day, interesting tongue twisters, a little grammar ( courtesy - The Hindu) and perhaps, a blog for all. He..he... :} :) . The only problem is that the department of English is yet to get connected to the intranet. Have approached Prof.Chandrasekar about it. By the way, his talk was the most sensible one of the training... he speaks clearly, doesn't beat about the bush and answers in the most unpatronising manner.
Am also preparing a department profile with really is technoogy makes information so much more colourful and attractive than it really is!!!!

Sunday, June 03, 2007

I am celebrating my much awaited vacation and the long-felt need for some rest from the hustle and bustle of college work. Am hoping that I dont get calls from college to report to work during this short period. One does not realise that the teacher becomes fatigued and strained after a year of mental and physical work, much like the students. The annual pattern for the first years has left us all drained and exhausted. I feel the semester pattern is easier on the student.

However, I feel some necessary changes are needed in the education pattern of engineering studies. Students must be allowed to take up part-time jobs and go in for real practical training of about six months in some organisation where their technical skills can be honed. A minimum stipend would be encouraging for the student and the industry/organisation does not stand to lose over a small sum paid to these trainee-students. Organisations should know how to tap the potential of these technical students by making them part of some projects or ongoing technical jobs.

Hmmm...wishful thinking?

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

College is preparing for yet another NBA visit probably in the month of July.

There is a proposal to bring in B.Tech Information Technology and B.E. Production and Instrumentation. (I hope I've got it right).

GCE was in the news for all the wrong reasons...there was a near riot by people who had come to get the Anna University forms since the University had not sent in enough forms and people targetted us since we were the channels had us on the noon news. :( Now the crowds have eased and the situation is under control.

The good news is that Salem saw some clouds, thick with rain, and though they moved away, the mercury level has come down considerably. Wish we had air-conditioners everywhere!!!!

Friday, May 11, 2007

Exams are on for the kids and vacation is on for the faculty, but since we are all working on the forthcoming NBA experts' visit, none has gone on vacation. I really do enjoy these times when children are writing their exams - it is a time of hushed silence broken when the exams get over and there is sudden outbreak of voices from all is a time when one actually hears the birds in the trees. I am waiting for the yellow flowers and the mayflowers to come out in burst of colours. Now, one can only smell the typical canteen smells - saambhar, parottas, vadais, etc., - wafting in the air. Work is afoot on office modernisation - gone in a few days from now will be the typical government furniture - large teakwood tables and straight back chairs and files all over. Modern filing cabinets and trendy furniture in false-roofed rooms, and yes, please add the automation software to be installed - gosh, you will find a different world altogether. Some things will never change, ofcourse, like the worn pathways where student feet have trudged on year after year after year.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Graduation Day , 21.4.2007
A day to remember in the annals of GCE history. The first ever Graduation Day was celebrated with much pomp and solemnity. I felt touched by the whole ceremony. The very act of receiving the degree certificate reminds me of the hardships borne by parents, especially Indian parents whose children are mostly first-generation reminds me that for the students and the parents it is indeed a proud moment, one that needs to be cherished. The whole ceremony went off with clockwork precision...except that the Chief Guest arrived an hour late! It was followed by dinner hosted by the college for all the invitees, graduates, parents and staff. Heard it was a delicious one...I missed it 'cos it was late and I had to get back home on the dreaded killer road from GCE to Salem on my two wheeler.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

A Learning Experience of a Different Kind...

GCE, Salem 11 hosted a 5-day Career Guidance Programme for students of the twelfth in the GCE games field. An unimaginable huge pandal, big enough to seat 5000 people at a time was erected. Pre-event meetings with the Principal saw committees being formed and all the teachers and students being involved in the mega event...don't think GCE has ever seen the likes of such a public event. The district Collector, Shri.D.Mathivannan inaugurated the programme. Media coverage was unexpected too...The arrangements were done in a meticulous manner and everyone was deeply involved in the jobs entrusted to them. The programme has given everyone a filip in learning to organise large events and to work as teams.
It would be unforgivable of me, if I did not report on the GECOFEST 7.0 as they called it this year. It followed the 5-day programme immediately and was held in the huge pandal. Creativity was as usual at its height. Though the day was incredibly hot, there was as ususal the good, the bad and the ugly crowd to pep the day's events. There was the usual share of disqualifications and protests and timed out dances. The final years played hosts and gave only host performances. They were amazing in the compereing, skits, dances and music as well. I always love the opening music of GECOFESTs and this year it was no different.
Well, alumni can now await the graduation day, another solemn and formal function being planned by the principal on the 21st of April, if I am not wrong.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

A lot has happened in these two months. Professor Govindasami of Mechanical Engineering passed away on the 8th of March of a massive heart attack in the college premises.
TCS offered its associates ( it calls its recruits this way) their offer letters.
Two rooms in the ground floor of the admin block have been vacated for establishing the language lab.
A five-day Programme on Career prospects for the 12th std students of Salem district was organised at the college. The Collector inaugurated the sessions. I attended one of the sessions and boy, was it informative. It was good and the entire college was involved in the organisation of the mega event.